Hello friends! Matt and I are halfway through a 53-day speaking tour to raise awareness about modern slavery and its impact on the private sector and to motivate people to take action. It has been very fruitful and simply amazing. We have been speaking at leading brands, organizations like the Rotary, colleges, and churches; and reuniting with dear friends and meeting new ones. Here’s more information about it: https://themekongclub.org/event/2022-north-american-speaking-tour-canada-and-the-usa

We are giving a webinar on October 13 at 8 PM EST. JOIN US! Here’s the link to the Conference on Global Organized Crime: https://oc24.heysummit.com/?sc=smwDr0Eg

We must confess that due to our book projects, our TV work and speaking engagements (and our regular work deadlines) we are many months behind in our blog posting. I will try to share more in the days to come. Go to our Instagram for more regular updates: @Sylviamatt.yf