Sylvia Yu Friedman & Matthew Friedman

Award-Winning Filmmakers, Speakers, Authors, and Experts on Modern Slavery

Matt Friedman

About Matthew Friedman

Matthew Friedman is an international human trafficking expert with more than 30 years’ experience as a manager, program designer, evaluator, and frontline responder. He is currently Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of The Mekong Club, an organization of Hong Kong-based private sector business leaders who have joined forces to help fight human trafficking in Asia.

Mr. Friedman was previously Regional Project Manager at the United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking (UNIAP) in Thailand, an inter-agency coordinating body that linked the United Nations system with governments and civil society groups in China, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Prior to this, he worked for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Thailand, Bangladesh, and Nepal where he designed and managed country and regional human trafficking programs. Mr. Friedman also offers regular technical advice to numerous governments and corporations working to eliminate slavery and is the author of twelve books. 

Where Were You?: A Profile of Modern Slavery Book By Matthew S. Friedman

Matthew Friedman speaking at the Asia Society:

Here’s the link if you want to open in your own browser:

【プログラム「人身売買・人身取引対策の現状と課題」を開催】[English text follows Japanese]

12月14日アメリカンセンターJAPANにて、The Mekong Club CEOマット・フリードマン氏を招いて、人身売買、人身取引問題における現状と課題を考察しました。この問題にある背景と変化する情勢、政策の枠組み、ビジネスとの繋がりと影響や、過去の経験から学んだ具体的な対策の提言などについても話し合いました。モデレーターはNPO法人 移住者と連帯する全国ネットワーク(移住連)代表理事・鳥井一平氏が務めました。当講演会の様子はこちらのビデオアーカイブにてご覧いただけます。

On December 14, The Mekong Club CEO Mr. Matt Friedman provided comprehensive update on the topic of international human trafficking. He explored the changing human trafficking paradigm; the relationship between human trafficking and modern slavery; a comprehensive summary of Asian trends and patterns; an update on emerging legislation; a detailed description of the relationship between human trafficking and business risk; and a description of tangible, practical tools and approaches used by corporations throughout Asia to help identify and address this potential problem.

Book Matthew as your keynote speaker – see his speaker profile on Chartwell Speakers website: